Altar Life Sciences is a veterinary products manufacture. Our veterinarymanufacturing plant is located in Bhagwanpur, roorkee, uttarakhand, and 2 plant HSIIDC,ALIPUR, Panchkula , Haryana . We have ISO,GMP/GLP &CRISIL certifications. As veterinary third party manufacturers, wemanufacture veterinary feed supplements, veterinary bolus, veterinaryinjections, veterinary liquids and veterinary powders. We provide veterinarypcd franchise across all the districtsof PAN India. We have wide range of veterinary antibiotics, veterinary milkboosting products and ant worm products. In veterinary feed we have calcium forbetter productivity of milk, Mineral mixture for providing maximum minerals tocattles, veterinary Liver tonics and energy providing preparations to fightgeneral body weakness in cattle . We have veterinary formulations to fightbacterial infections, viral infections, Mastitis, to fight general bodyweakness and maintaining high productivity of milk production.