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Chelated Calcium Supplement

Chelated Calcium Supplement

उत्पाद विवरण:


चेलेटेड कैल्शियम सप्लीमेंट मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 100

चेलेटेड कैल्शियम सप्लीमेंट व्यापार सूचना

  • पंचकुला
  • कैश इन एडवांस (CID)
  • 500 प्रति दिन
  • 7 दिन
  • Yes
  • नमूना लागत, शिपिंग और करों का भुगतान खरीदार द्वारा किया जाना है
  • 1 लीटर, 5 लीटर, 10 लीटर, 20 लीटर
  • ऑल इंडिया
  • डब्ल्यूएचओ-जीएमपी और आईएसओ

उत्पाद विवरण

Altokal Gold Liquid Suspension

·         Improve milk production and milk fat percentage

·         Improve overall growth rate

·         Increase productive life of cows and buffalows

·         Ensure thick shelled eggs in poultry

Nutritional value per 100 ml approx :

·    Calcium :      5000 mg

·    Phosphorus : 2500 mg

·    Vitamin A : 45000 I. U.

·    Vitamin D3 : 15000 I.U.

·    Vitamin E : 50 mg

·    Vitamin B12: 150 mcg

·    Leptadenia  : 1000 mg

·    Shatavari : 400 mg

·    L-Lysine: 25mg

·    Methionine: 10mg

·    Vit.-H(Biotin)- 10mg

·    Carbohydrate: 10000 mg

 Features :

·    Powerful Double Strength oral calcium suspension formula with added advantage wonder herbs

·    Precise formulation with Longer Shelf life.

·    Helpful to maintain and increase milk yield.

·    Provides optimum amount of calcium and phosphorus for faster growth and skeletal integrity.

·    Highly effective formulation for weak and pregnant animals.

·    Immunity booster.

·    Strengthens bones and egg shells.

·    For faster growth and increase hatchability.

·    To prevent and control rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, ruffed feathers, pica, stiffgait, muscular weakness, haemoglobinuria, (it is the condition when haemoglobin is filtered by the kidneys and is released in the urine, giving urine a red colour), anemia and thin shelled eggs.


Use :


·    Helpful to maintain and increase milk yield.

·    Provides optimum amount of calcium and phosphorus for faster growth and skeletal integrity.

·    Highly effective formulation for weak and pregnant animals.

·    Immunity booster.

·    For faster growth and increase hatchability.

·    To prevent and control rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, ruffed feathers, pica, stiffgait, muscular weakness, haemoglobinuria, (it is the condition when haemoglobin is filtered by the kidneys and is released in the urine, giving urine a red colour), anemia and thin shelled eggs.


Dose :


·    Cows, Buffalo, Horse and Camel : 100 to 150 ml daily

·    Small Animals : Sheep, Calves, Goat and Calf : 30-50 ml daily

·    100 Hens : 25 ml daily


Altokal gold Calcium  is a calcium liquid feed supplement which is given to animals to increase milk production and to promote general body fitness along with high bone density. there are multiple benefits of feeding calcium. Altokal gold improves milk production & milk fat percentage. Altokal gold Calcium  increases productive life of cows & buffaloes. It forms strong bones & prevent rickets.It ensures thick shelled eggs in poultry. It contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Multivitamins, Satavari, Leptadenia, Lysine, Carbohydrates and Vidharikhand. 
We have our own veterinary feed supplements and pharma drug manufacturing plant located at Barwala, Haryana and Roorkee, Uttrakhand. We are veterinary feed manufacturer and we also provide veterinary PCD franchise. We provide wide range of feed supplements such as Calcium, Liver tonic, Uterine cleaner, Enzyme,  Iron tonic, Mineral mixture, Mastitis powder etc.



Presentation : 1 ltr, 2ltr, 5ltr, 20ltr, 40ltr,


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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एमएफआर यूनिट:
अल्टार श्री लैब्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड
प्लॉट- 106, सालियार माधोपुर रोड,
रुड़की (यूके)
पिन कोड: 247667
फोन: +91-172-4010228 मोबाइल नंबर: 9316338826
, 08699038826
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